Michelle Dunn and Harry Smith, anchor of The Early Show taken outside of the CBS Studio in New York.
Over recent years Michelle has attracted a large amount of press interest in her business through smart PR practices and forward planning.
You will see Michelle Dunn quoted and interviewed in Forbes.com, The Wall Street Journal, Ladies Home Journal, PC World, Home Business Magazine, Home Business Journal, Entrepreneur, Professional Collector, Credit & Collections Risk, The NH Business Review and in many books including Home Based Business for Dummies and 365 Foolish Mistakes Smart Managers Make. Michelle has been a featured guest on (NPR) National Public Radio and has been in many newspapers and magazines worldwide as well as on the CBS Early Show.
Check out Michelle’s latest press coverage in Smart Money, The Wall Street Journal Magazine‘s February 2007 issue. The Penny Pinchers, an article by Anne Kadet, features Michelle and her Credit & Collections group. Don’t miss it, pick up your copy today!
With her Collecting Money Series of books, you too, can be successful at getting your business noticed and in the news.
Listen to Michelle’s Audio Interview with National Public Radio (NPR):
The Collector — “All Things Considered” guest host Lynn Neary profiles Michelle Dunn, who makes her living collecting unpaid debts in a small town in New Hampshire. Click here to listen to the story on National Public Radio.
You need the current version of Real Player to listen to this clip. Click here to download for free.